Well, the clock struck midnight and here we are. Again. Intense energies that are exhausting, astrological placements that are challenging, and the feeling that this year, even though we’re only a few weeks into it might have its fair share of disruptions, chaos, and “what the actual f*ck?!” moments. Just like every one of the […]
Let me kick this off with a little rant on how we really need to start normalizing people spending the holidays solo. Alone. By Themself. Because… Sometimes you just do not possess the level of energy necessary to play pretend that you’re just thrilled to see your overly-critical step-sister and her newest husband. Some families […]
Within each of us lies the ability to discern what is right for us, and what isn’t. I’m not talking about a code of morals and ethics or what processes we’ve picked up to aid in decision making (pros and cons lists anyone?) I’m talking about our intuition. Our built in blueprint and satellite mapping […]