To the


This is part two in a series of posts all about toxic workplaces (you can find part one, here) Shortly after leaving my first (and incredibly toxic) corporate job, I came across this article by Laura Epson on the topic of insecure overachievers. To say that every light went on in my brain is an […]

Toxic Workplaces, Uncategorized

April 4, 2024

The Toxic Workplace Series Part 2: What Makes Us Susceptible to Toxic Work Environments

Prior to starting my business I was a total no-show on social media. While everybody was busy curating their Facebook feed and checking up on past loves and the mean girls from high school, I flat out refused to have anything to do with it. It was bad enough that I had to consistently (i.e. […]


January 17, 2024

My Business on Instagram: A Love Story That Never Was