Why I Use Human Design in My Business
The first time I heard about Human Design I went to a site to get a free chart, looked at it, and immediately said to myself “I have zero time for more esoteric crap” and promptly went on my merry way.
About a year after that, when I was in the midst of trying to figure out why, despite looking great on paper, my last job was an unfulfilling mess, I heard about it again. I ran another chart and this time, I decided to do a little research into what it all meant.
Turns out, it explained things I already knew about myself, including how I work best, and the fact that Corporate America’s definition of “work” was woefully off path for me.
Human Design is a mix of astrology, the chakra system, and the Kaballah. Unlike, traditional astrology, it’s not concerned with predictions or traits, but rather how we can understand our inherent, core energies to make the best decisions that will have us (and our businesses) moving through the world with the most ease and success.
Human Design is predicated on the belief that our minds, so easily influenced, are NOT what we should be using to make decisions. Instead, we should listen to our body’s guidance (called our “strategy”) and then, when we’ve made the decision that’s in alignment with ourselves, our minds become the strategist and tactician to aid in bringing our decision to life.
If you are an entrepreneur/solopreneur/business owner: Imagine being able to run your business in a way that’s sustainable for the long haul and leaves you time to have a life (*gasp!). Human Design allows you to select the strategies and processes that will give you the most bang for your buck right from the get-go. It also helps you understand how to best market yourself to attract the match-made-in-business-heaven clients looking for the transformation you provide.
If you work as an employee: Imagine knowing what questions to ask in an interview so you don’t end up with a job that looks great on paper but feels terrible in reality. Sounds amazing, right? Human Design guides you to what types of work and companies will/will not be a good fit, not because of what you’ll be doing, but rather how you’ll be doing it.
Human Design helps us see our “how” so we can choose work, and work methods, that are satisfying, sustainable, and don’t leave us frustrated and wondering why things that seem to work for everyone else aren’t working for us.
Whether you’re new to Human Design or have some experience with it, I do HD readings and chart analyses with a focus on how your HD can help you work better. Understanding my Human Design has been so validating for me. It really didn’t tell me anything new, it simply helped me see what has always been there and give me the courage to start working in a way that works for me.
If there is one thing I am passionate about it’s turning the current Corporate America “Work-As-Life” paradigm on its head, and I think Human Design is a great way to help introduce people to the idea that work, can work for you.
P.S. If you’re interested in a Human Design reading you can head over to the “work with me” page and book through the link.
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