To the


Admittedly, I’m still learning about astrology so if my non-expert status is a no-go for you, feel free to click off this post and thanks for stopping by! Where I will give myself props is my ability to put pieces together (INFJs unite!) and play the tape forward so to speak (Human Design Projector here). […]


May 1, 2024

Can We Talk About Pluto in Aquarius Again? I have some opinions…

This is the fourth and final part in the Toxic Workplace Series. Links to:  Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Toxic workplaces and/or managers can do a real number on our health (mental, physical, and spiritual) as well as our self-esteem and confidence. I know this firsthand, and if I had any idea just […]

Toxic Workplaces

April 30, 2024

The Toxic Workplace Series Part 4: Recovering from the BS

This is the third part in the Toxic Workplace Series. Check out part 1: Red Flags of a Toxic Workplace here Check out part 2: Why We’re Susceptible to Toxic Workplaces here When you hear the term “toxic workplace” it can conjure up all kinds of imagery from the boss that yells and screams to […]

Toxic Workplaces

April 16, 2024

The Toxic Workplace Series Part 3: How Toxic Workplaces Impact Our Health

This is part two in a series of posts all about toxic workplaces (you can find part one, here) Shortly after leaving my first (and incredibly toxic) corporate job, I came across this article by Laura Epson on the topic of insecure overachievers. To say that every light went on in my brain is an […]

Toxic Workplaces, Uncategorized

April 4, 2024

The Toxic Workplace Series Part 2: What Makes Us Susceptible to Toxic Work Environments

This is the first in a series of articles devoted to the topic of toxic workplaces, their impact, how we end up staying in them, and how to recover from them. I could write a book on the topic of toxic workplaces. Actually, I could probably write several books, and that’s not a good thing. […]

Toxic Workplaces

March 29, 2024

The Toxic Workplace Series Part 1: Red Flags of a Toxic Workplace

(You can find Part 1: Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors here) Human Design can be an absolute game changer when it comes to running your business. Instead of trial and error-ing for months (or years) on end, understanding some of the key components of your Human Design chart can help you narrow down your options to […]

Human Design

March 18, 2024

How to structure your business by Human Design Type Part 2: Generators and Manifesting-Generators

Your Human Design Energy Type alone can be an absolute game changer in your business

Human Design

February 16, 2024

How to Structure Your Business by Human Design Type Part 1: Manifestors, Reflectors, and Projectors

Prior to starting my business I was a total no-show on social media. While everybody was busy curating their Facebook feed and checking up on past loves and the mean girls from high school, I flat out refused to have anything to do with it. It was bad enough that I had to consistently (i.e. […]


January 17, 2024

My Business on Instagram: A Love Story That Never Was

Human Design helps you discover the best strategies for your business and marketing to help you build a sustainable business for the long-term.

Career Tips, Human Design

October 12, 2023

Why I Use Human Design in My Business

Don’t let job complacency stop you from furthering your career.

Career Tips, corporate

June 5, 2023

Why You Need to Consider Yourself Self-Employed, Even If You Work in Corporate

Lately, I’ve been hearing the same workday complaints on repeat. And when I look back at my time in corporate it becomes more and more obvious to me that there are two major qualities that will determine how respected and trusted a leader is by their team: Here’s why these matter so much… A willingness […]

corporate, corporate culture, Leadership, Transformational Leadership

April 27, 2023

Two Things That Can Quickly Tank Your Reputation as a Leader

(Or, what Corporate America doesn’t want to admit.) Apparently, there’s nothing quite like a world-wide plague to bring up all the dirty laundry long swept under the rug for examination. Work, working from home, and “The Great Resignation” have become popular topics since 2020.  A recent Paychex survey shows up to 80% of people who […]

corporate culture, work from home

April 19, 2023

Nobody Wants to Work…for YOU.