How to structure your business by Human Design Type Part 2: Generators and Manifesting-Generators
(You can find Part 1: Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors here)
Human Design can be an absolute game changer when it comes to running your business. Instead of trial and error-ing for months (or years) on end, understanding some of the key components of your Human Design chart can help you narrow down your options to the structure and strategies that will make the most sense for you.
Don’t Over Complicate It
There is so much information on your Human Design chart that it can be easy to feel like one, you need a PhD from MIT to figure out what it all means and two, that you have to understand every teeny tiny detail of your chart in order for it to be useful.
You do not.
Simply focusing on how your Energy Type works is literally enough to make a night and day difference in how you’re running your business. Do not worry about what your conscious Mercury gate is or what your unconscious Jupiter line is, etc. There are a lot of HD coaches out there espousing a “magic formula” of integrating certain components of your chart that will lead you down a rabbit hole without much to show for it.
Besides, if you’re following your strategy and authority, you’ll naturally be expressing that energy in the most fluid and beneficial way possible. Win!
Gens and Mani-Gens both have defined Sacral Centers in their chart, which gives them the ability to literally generate their own energy throughout the day. There is one important caveat to this however: in order to generate this energy, Gens and Mani-Gens need to be doing something that is energetically correct for them at that time.
These types can and do burnout from pushing themselves too hard to do all the things, all the time. While frustration is the not-self theme of the Generator types (the signal that it’s time to take a step back and reassess what they are doing and how they are doing it), I would argue the first hint that something isn’t “energetically correct” is fatigue and not having energy in general.
Gens and Mani-Gens are known as the creative builders in HD. Their businesses will work best when the majority of their time is spent on tasks and projects they feel they have a large degree of creative control over and can get lost in the flow with.
Deconditioning from beliefs like “you have to do it all as an entrepreneur”, “you have to keep going even if you’re tired” etc. is key for these types. You can have a successful business AND support yourself AND not burn out. The key is being strategic with what you’re doing, and understanding how your defined Sacral communicates to you that it’s time to move on to something new (or take a break)
Automated systems (like emails, etc.) and hiring out to an assistant or online business manager (OBM) can be incredibly helpful for Gens and Mani-Gens so they aren’t wasting their energy on tasks that do not light them up to do.
Without further ado, let’s get into how Generators and Mani-Gens can structure their business for maximum effectiveness…
Generators are designed to create and build. Your energy will be fully supplied when you’re working on the things that light you up and bring you a feeling of satisfaction (your signature theme that you’re on the right track energetically speaking). It’s important that what you’re creating and building ties to a deep purpose within you, otherwise you might find your attention and energy waning.
Structure your Business by:
Mani-Gens are the multi-passionate firecrackers of the Human Design world. Efficiency is the ante to play for Mani-Gens and it’s important that whatever process or strategy you follow, you tailor it to you by getting rid of anything that feels overly complicated or unnecessary. Having flexibility to change things up in your business or several different offers available at any one time might feel best for you and allow your multi-passionate nature to shine.
Structure your Business by:
Final Thoughts…
While Generator Types are known for their energy, that doesn’t mean they should feel obligated to always be doing something. Rest is still vital and important for these types. Humans aren’t designed to work 9-5 (4-5 hours of focus time per day is about all we’ve got) and I know plenty of Gens and Mani-Gens that have thriving businesses working 20 hours a week or less.
The key is identifying what you love to do, and maximizing your time spent there, vs. on the tasks and projects you feel pressured to do, but don’t really want to.
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