(You can find Part 2: Generators and Manifesting Generators, here)
Human Design can be an absolute game changer when it comes to running your business. Instead of trial and error-ing for months (or years) on end, understanding some of the key components of your Human Design chart can help you narrow down your options to the structure and strategies that will make the most sense for you.
Don’t Over Complicate It
There is so much information on your Human Design chart that it can be easy to feel like one, you need a PhD from MIT to figure out what it all means and two, that you have to understand every teeny tiny detail of your chart in order for it to be useful.
You do not.
Simply focusing on how your Energy Type works is literally enough to make a night and day difference in how you’re running your business.
Do not worry about what your conscious Mercury gate is or what your unconscious Jupiter line is, etc. There are a lot of HD coaches out there espousing a “magic formula” of integrating certain components of your chart that will lead you down a rabbit hole without much to show for it.
Besides, if you’re following your strategy and authority, you’ll naturally be expressing that energy in the most fluid and beneficial way possible. Win!
Undefined Sacral Center Considerations
This post is going to cover all three non-sacral types as their undefined sacrals mean they do not generate their own energy the same way Generator types do. This leads to some common themes in how their businesses should be structured.
Deconditioning from beliefs like “you have to hustle”, “12 hours days are the norm for entrepreneurs” etc. is key if you’re a non-sacral. You can have a successful business AND support yourself AND not burn out. The key is being strategic with your time and stopping before you get tired, so you can rest up for your next work session.
Automated systems (like emails, etc.) are a non-sacrals best friend. As a Projector myself I highly recommend setting aside some funds to hire a virtual assistant or online business manager (OBM) to help you set up the systems that will streamline your business and give you more time back in your workday.
So without further ado, let’s get into each of the non-sacral types…
How to Structure Your Business as a Manifestor:
As a non-sacral type, Manifestors aren’t designed to be doing all the things. Your energy ebbs and flows and you may find it easy to work hard several days in a row, and then need to take a few days to rest. Do not gloss over the rest part! Rest is essential for creativity, innovation, and the bold ideas Manifestors are known for.
Structure your Business by:
- Having clearly defined working hours, so you can stop before you become exhausted. Without a defined sacral this will probably look like four-hours a day, max.
- A client onboarding strategy that clearly communicates your hours of availability, response time expectations, what you need from your client and when, and what they can expect from you. With the strategy of informing as your guide, it’s best to be clear, direct, and give more information as opposed to less. Manifestors are not easy to read, and the more clear you are from the get go, the less chance for misunderstandings down the road.
- Bold and Direct Branding. Clear and direct communication is your friend. Don’t feel pressured to turn everything into a transformative story, etc.
- Offers that are unique and outside the norm of your industry. Manifetors are the great initiators and trend setters so don’t be afraid to do a full 180 from what’s “traditionally” done.
- Pricing that is per project vs. per hour. As a non-sacral trading your time for money is going to wear you out. As the saying goes “you’re not paying me for the 20 minutes it took to do the task, you’re paying me for the 15 years it took me to learn how to do the task in 20 minutes” .
- Networking to find strategic partnerships that you can hire out the details to, or refer clients to after they are done working with you and need ongoing maintenance. Manifestors are designed to get things up and running, not handle all the minute details. Having a referrel network can be a great support for you as well!
How to Structure Your Business as a Reflector:
As the rarest of the types, and with no defined energy centers, Reflectors can experience what it’s like to be any of the other types as the moon moves through her 28 day cycle. This is why it’s important to wait a full lunar cycle before making decisions: you don’t want Mani-Gen You making a decision that Projector You won’t have the energy for when the moon shifts a few days later. When it comes to business, you have a beautiful ability to reflect other’s energy to them as well as an innate wisdom that comes from experiencing life from so many different angles.
Structure Your Business By:
- A flexible work week that leaves time for networking and community building. Having a support system and being part of a community typically feels really good to Reflectors. This allows your wisdom to shine and helps you build a referral network, which is important because…
- As a non-sacral being, you’re not here for the all of the “doing” and you may want to hire out certain elements of your business maintenance or refer clients to others who can provide things like ongoing tech maintenance, social media management, etc. Trying to do it all will lead to burnout so investing in a part time virtual assistant might be a great investment to make.
- Holistic offers that encompass more than one modality or solution. Reflectors are incredibly multi-faceted, making you a natural at not only learning new ways of doing things but at combining them together. Think crisis management paired with mediation or relationship coaching paired with budgeting strategies (money being one of the biggest arguments between couples), etc.
- Pricing that is per project vs. hourly. Once again, as a non-sacral you don’t generate your own energy and are not here for the doing. You’re here to guide with your wisdom, so price based on the project or ideal end result to keep from burning out. Four hours a day is the max you want to be working.
- A physical work environment that feels AMAZING. Investing in a space where you love to work is crucial. As someone with all nine centers undefined you take in the energy around you and amplify it. Being in a space that feels yucky to you is going to keep you from being effective so make sure you carve out a space that feels great to be in (even if it’s just the corner of a room)
How to Structure Your Business as a Projector:
Projectors are here to be guides, not to be doers of all.the.things. Our potent, highly-efficient energy allows us to get a lot done in a very short amount of time. We’re basically sprinters compared to the distance runners that are the Generator types.
Projectors have the ability to deeply see others in a way that the other types cannot. This can make people uncomfortable as not everyone wants to be “seen” at the soul level. Waiting to be invited to guide someone is paramount so that we’re not spending our energy on someone that doesn’t want it.
Structure Your Business By:
- Having clearly defined working hours and leaving space between client calls, meetings, etc. throughout your day to recoup and reset. Projectors are meant to spend about 2-3 hours per day sharing their gifts, and with such potent energy less is definitely more.
- A client onboarding strategy that clearly communicates your hours of availability, response time expectations, what you need from your client and when, and what they can expect from you. As a Projector you’re not meant to always be “on” and your ability to guide depends on your ability to rest. Setting communication boundaries from the get-go will protect your energy, so you can use it effectively (which is what your clients ultimately want).
- Pricing that is per project vs. hourly. Projectors are ridiculously efficient with their energy so you’re not going to need as much time to get something done. This does not mean it’s any less valuable than if you took twice as long to complete it. Price based on the outcome, not the hours invested.
- Branding and Marketing that showcase your unique perspectives and expertise. Projectors see things much more deeply than the other types and have a knack for being able to “play the tape forward” and see how something is going to turn out. Don’t be afraid to call it like you see it in your marketing, it’s how people will find you and invite you to guide them.
- Automated systems that take care of the behind-the-scenes admin like sending email reminders, etc. and repurposing content are a Projectors best friend. Case in point, this blog post is also an Instagram post and I might turn it into a podcast as well. The more streamlined you can get your business, the better.
- Online self-serve offers like courses, ebooks, etc. that will add to your revenue without you needing to be physically available. Our energy is precious, and in short supply, so branching out to online options will allow you to guide more people without burning out.
Final Thoughts…
While the three non-sacral types don’t have the energy of the Generator types, this does not mean they cannot be extremely successful entrepreneurs or have to sacrifice their well-being to be able to support themselves. The right business structure, systems, and expectations communicated upfront are key to building a thriving business as a non-sacral type.
You do NOT have to burnout to have it all,
Stay tuned for Part II, The Generator Types coming soon!