A while back I wrote this blog post about my experiences in corporate as a Human Design Projector. Being an empath and highly sensitive person as well meant that my multilayers of sensitivity were both a problem-solving godsend and an absolute mismatch for the hustle culture hellscape my company worshipped. As the Charles Dickens quote […]
Can HSPs, Empaths, Human Design Projectors/Manifestors/Reflectors Find Happiness in a Corporate Job?
Well, the clock struck midnight and here we are. Again. Intense energies that are exhausting, astrological placements that are challenging, and the feeling that this year, even though we’re only a few weeks into it might have its fair share of disruptions, chaos, and “what the actual f*ck?!” moments. Just like every one of the […]
Editor’s Note: I use the term highly sensitive souls as an umbrella for all who resonate with being a highly sensitive person, empath, intuitive, human design Projector or Reflector, combination of the above, or anyone who has a deep sensitive to the world around them, requires downtime to recharge, and is able to see things […]
Let me kick this off with a little rant on how we really need to start normalizing people spending the holidays solo. Alone. By Themself. Because… Sometimes you just do not possess the level of energy necessary to play pretend that you’re just thrilled to see your overly-critical step-sister and her newest husband. Some families […]
If you’ve come to realize that you belong in the “sensitive” camp, whether it’s by being a highly sensitive person (HSP), an empath, a Human Design Projector, Reflector, or someone with a lot of open centers in your chart, or by looking back at the accumulated evidence that is your life, you, like me, might […]
Within each of us lies the ability to discern what is right for us, and what isn’t. I’m not talking about a code of morals and ethics or what processes we’ve picked up to aid in decision making (pros and cons lists anyone?) I’m talking about our intuition. Our built in blueprint and satellite mapping […]
I’d been feeling the nudge to re-read Elaine Aron’s The Highly Sensitive Person. I was first introduced to her work several years ago and while the term “highly sensitive person” deeply resonated with me, I was still quite steeped in my quest to conquer the corporate world and quite frankly, just didn’t want to hear […]
Admittedly, I’m still learning about astrology so if my non-expert status is a no-go for you, feel free to click off this post and thanks for stopping by! Where I will give myself props is my ability to put pieces together (INFJs unite!) and play the tape forward so to speak (Human Design Projector here). […]
This is the fourth and final part in the Toxic Workplace Series. Links to: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Toxic workplaces and/or managers can do a real number on our health (mental, physical, and spiritual) as well as our self-esteem and confidence. I know this firsthand, and if I had any idea just […]
This is the third part in the Toxic Workplace Series. Check out part 1: Red Flags of a Toxic Workplace here Check out part 2: Why We’re Susceptible to Toxic Workplaces here When you hear the term “toxic workplace” it can conjure up all kinds of imagery from the boss that yells and screams to […]
This is part two in a series of posts all about toxic workplaces (you can find part one, here) Shortly after leaving my first (and incredibly toxic) corporate job, I came across this article by Laura Epson on the topic of insecure overachievers. To say that every light went on in my brain is an […]
This is the first in a series of articles devoted to the topic of toxic workplaces, their impact, how we end up staying in them, and how to recover from them. I could write a book on the topic of toxic workplaces. Actually, I could probably write several books, and that’s not a good thing. […]
(You can find Part 1: Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors here) Human Design can be an absolute game changer when it comes to running your business. Instead of trial and error-ing for months (or years) on end, understanding some of the key components of your Human Design chart can help you narrow down your options to […]
Prior to starting my business I was a total no-show on social media. While everybody was busy curating their Facebook feed and checking up on past loves and the mean girls from high school, I flat out refused to have anything to do with it. It was bad enough that I had to consistently (i.e. […]